Dernières activités anglaises
Le projet d’anglais fait partie de la vie quotidienne de nos élèves
Dans le cadre du projet Filmécole organisé par la ville de Cannes, les trois classes de...
Tout au long du mois de juin 2024, les classes de CE2 et CM1 ont eu...
Bravo to the CM2 for their Cambridge exams. They worked very hard all year long...
Congratulations to all of the CE2 students that worked hard this year. They all...
We have been penpalling with St Peter’s C of E primary school (Farnham, England) for so...
Monday, 13th May the CE2 classes took the Starters mock exam (examen blanc) at...
Tuesday, May 7th the CM2 classes took their Cambridge exam. There were 5 Starters pre-A1, 45...
CE2 3, CM1 3, CM2 classes We finally received our letters from Farnham England. They were...
For St Patrick's day with Maternelle we dance to the sound of Irish music and color...